A Wedding Speech from a Mother’s Heart
I could not pass the opportunity to welcome your union with a short wedding speech directly from your mother’s heart.
On this very special day you are both declaring your intent to live out of love, to nurture each other to become all that you can be.
This part of the wedding speech to Paul: As I reflect upon your life and the joy you have brought into ours I’m so grateful that I was honored to be your Mother. Always remember how Special and how loved you are. Remember to always be gentle and compassionate and to live in love. Honor Shari and her intuitive wisdom and protect her deepest secrets and desires.

This part of the wedding speech to Shari: We are proud to call you our daughter and have for sometime. We love you as one of our own and are grateful for the love you have for our son. You bring such joy into his life and for that we are beholden. Remember to always live in love, to offer the wisdom of your soul to him so that he will always be reminded of who he really is.
This part of the wedding speech to both of you: Always remember to honor your individual selves, to keep hold of the vision of your own dreams. This is what you have labored to create; you yourselves are your greatest treasure, what in fact, you are each here to share with one another. But while in the past you were able to remember and focus on your journey in a solitary context, now you must be yourself in conjunction with another, and keeping track of your pilgrimage in the midst of a marriage is quite another matter. It’s harder; the thrills and demands of the union will distract and charm you and perhaps entice you off your path. But no matter how beautiful or captivating your marriage may be, your relationship, as itself can never stand in the place of, nor do service for, what you as individuals came here to accomplish.
Love has brought us here today. Love? Such a simple word but a very complex concept indeed. What is the meaning of Love? Unconditional Love is the opposite of fear. When we live in love we have no fear
of being less than what we really are. Love is not about receiving what we need or desire. It’s about making the highest choice without expectations and without judgements.
Love is that which is without condition, without limitation, and without need. Because it is without condition, it requires nothing in order to be expressed. It asks nothing in return. It withdraws nothing in retaliation. Because it is without limitation, it places no limitation on another. It knows no ending, but goes on forever. It experiences no boundary or barrier. Because it is without need, it seeks to take nothing not freely given. It seeks to hold nothing not wishing to be held. It seeks to give nothing not joyously welcomed. And it is free. Love is that which is free, for freedom is the essence of what God is and love is God, expressed. Because it is freedom, we are free to express the most joyous part of Who We Really Are.
Every single choice we make arises out of one of two possible thoughts the thought of love or the thought of fear. Fear clings to and clutches all that we have, love gives all that we have away. Fear contracts, love expands. Fear runs away, love stays. Fear holds close, love holds dear. Fear grasps, love lets go. Fear rankles, love soothes. Fear attacks, love amends. Fear harms, love heals. Every human thought, word, or deed is based in one emotion or the other. We have no choice about this, because there is nothing else from which to choose. But we have free choice about which of these to select. So in all things, ask this one question. What would Love do now?
When we choose the action love sponsors, then will we do more than survive, then will we do more than win, then will we do more than succeed. Then will we experience the full glory of Who We Really Are, and who we can be.
I honor your intent; I honor your love. I bless the journey you are beginning together. I love you both dearly. May God bless your lives together.
Reprinted with permission
Submitted by Daphne All rights reserved