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Following the short write up is the Directory to the wedding music and songs lists. We sincerely hope they will help you with the enormous task of choosing the music and songs to personalize your wedding. You may also wish to read the article "Wedding Planning - How to choose wedding musicians and entertainment" Please E-mail to let us know if you find our article and music section helpful and if you have any suggestions or ideas. Thanks!
Compiled by Nily Glaser and the staff of A-wedding Day
These songs represent a pretty comprehensive collection of the many wedding and anniversary song and music selections that are available.
The artists listed with the songs are either the original, or the most well known performers of the songs. Please note that
many songs have several renditions by different artists each with his or her own style.
Feel free to choose your favorites.
We did our best to categorize many selections by the specific event at the wedding or anniversary. We also placed many under the appropriate category: Popular, Oldies, Country, TRADITIONAL, Hispanic, Hebrew etc...
so you can find just what you are looking for quickly and easily.
Whether you:
are getting married,
celebrate a special anniversary
renew your marriage vows
are in charge of an event,
We hope you'll benefit by using the songs and musical selection presented by A-wedding Day with our best wishes.
To go to our music store Click Hrere
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