Have your dream wedding on your budget

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Invitations and Wedding Stationery Etiquette

Wedding Stationery – Frequently Asked Questions


From wedding invitations and stationery to wedding accessories for your ceremony and eception

Copyrights © 2007 – 2021 All Rights Reserved Nily Glaser, Gan Publishing

Wedding Stationery

Can you trim the expenses and have your dream wedding on your budget? You do not want to start your married life in debt.

Often, the wedding invitations and statonery determine the style of wedding you will have.

You can choose any style of invitation from formal to very casual and every style in between. You can even search for invites and stationary and possibly find some matching your wedding theme. When you plan the budget for your wedding, look for options and ideas when selecting invitations and stationery.

Consider what kind of wedding invitations and stationery you’ll want to send to family, friends and co-workers. As a general rule, you will most probably need:

  • engagement announcements,
  • save the day,
  • invitations,
  • response cards,
  • Thank You cards etc…

Are you willing to depart from the traditional printed invitations? If so, you can save not only money but time and anxiety.

Create your own wedding stationery and invitation right on your computer and print it on blanks. You can purchase all your wedding stationery needs in most office supply and hobby stores. However, the largest inventory is on the Internet.  Instead of  spending hours going over books of samples, search and find your favorite online.

You can purchase the same papers and blank invitation kits usd by professional printers. If you have a good computer and printer, you can get very creative designing and printing your stationery. Your invitation and all the other stationery will look just as professional as the expensive ones ordered from printers.

Note: before printing the bunch, TEST. PRINT 1 or 2 pieces to make sure that no adjustments needs to be made.

Wedding Accessories for Ceremony and Reception

The basic wedding accessories you need for the ceremony are a :

  1. 1
  2. 2

  •  Ring Pillow,
  • Unity Candle Set,
  • Unity Candle Holder,
  • flower basket.
  • You may wish to add pew bows.

The basic wedding accessories you need for the reception are:

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3

  • Champagne flutes,
  • a Cake Serving Set,
  • a Keepsake Cake Top,
  • a Bridal Purse – Money Bag,
  • Garter and a Toss Garter
  • Guest Book,
  • Pen Set,
  • Photo Album.

Most brides opt for coordinating accessories. You can find complete collections and individual items on the Internet. And, if you buy a complete collection at once, you will save over buying individual items. You can purchase your collections in an online discount mall and save anywhere from 10 to 25 percent. Better yet,  you can have others, purchase your desired accessories as gifts.

Your friends and family will most probably celebrate your engagement and up- coming wedding. Engagement parties, bridal showers and of course holidays are perfect occassions for gift giving . Most guests need some guidance regarding appropriate gifts and surprisingly, few consider items for the wedding. This is why bridal registries are so helpful. So,   let the hosts of your wedding celebrations know what you want. They will be able to coordinate it, and assure the guests that their gifts are wanted and will be highly appreciated. A win – win.

Copyrights © 2007 – 2021 All Rights Reserved Nily Glaser, Gan Publishing

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Author Byline

Nily Glaser, the CEO of A-wedding Day at: http://www.a-weddingday.com .  She is a published author of books and important articles. Her Personalized Wedding Planning Guide and Organizer is available for free to our subscribers in printable format and can be found in the A-wedding Day Magazine.                                                                             Nily Glaser has presented workshops for parents and for wedding professionals all over the USA.

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